Monday, November 19, 2007

Help for the Holidays

The holidays are a great time of year to help those in need. It is a time we notice especially as a time of giving. But not all people have the money to buy gifts for others. It is especially heartbreaking to me when children don't get gifts, which makes them think Santa doesn't love them or that he forgot about them. That it why I support charities and people who make it a point to see that all children receive something and to know they are loved.

When I was a freshman in high school and I received our first community service project, I panicked because I had never really done any real community service for people I didn't know. In addition I didn't know where to find places that needed help that I could volunteer for. So, my mom looked through the newspaper and showed me that their are many opportunities available around our neighborhood. In particular, she found one for wrapping donated presents for children in need and preparing them to be given to certain families around the community. I really liked that idea of helping people, especially children around the holidays, so my best friend, Julie, and I went to help. It ended up being a very touching experience that I was glad to be a part of. We even put the children's names on the gifts and picked out what would be good for kids of different ages, which made it feel even more real that we were making their Christmas.

As I thought of my past experience, I decided to look up other ways of helping this holiday season as well. I came across a great website where people can go to help and donate to underprivileged students. Their mission is to help improve the lives of underprivileged students and their families in the greater Jacksonville area during the holiday season. This site allows you to donate any amount of money using PayPal, buy mail or through their online site, and reminds you that every dollar counts. This is a great idea for helping those less fortunate children this holiday season, and it is just an example of one community that has done this. If you are interested in donating, many areas do this during the holidays, so look around your neighborhood to see or even start a program such as this if you are interested in helping childrren this holiday season.

I also found a site where a 12 year old girl named Katie helped to make the Christmas of children in need as happy as hers are. This was a story from last year and this seventh grader reflected on what Christmas means to her by helping through her school by giving to these children in a great way. She worked hard to collect toys for all ages and put the other children's Christmas before her own. It was a special way that made her Christmas so special and got her recognized as such a caring a giving young girl.

I feel that giving to children over the holidays is a great way to make yourself feel rewarding and good about yourself this holiday season. There are many ways to help people so find a way in your community to do something good for others this year, especially children who are the heart of the holiday season.

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